Cindy Smith
Cindy is the Founder and Instructor of the Angel Empowerment Practitioner Certification Course™ and Co-Founder with Dr. Carl Le Roux of the Angel Empowerment™ Healing Program.
Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine Guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.
With a background in nursing and counseling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states: “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”

Sam Bell, RN
Sam is a British Trained Registered Nurse and Midwife, Certified Teacher and Integrative Health Coach. She also holds an array of complimentary therapy certifications, including Reiki Master, Higher Priestess Practitioner, and of course, Angel Empowerment (AEP) and Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH). Over recent years, Sam has partnered with Cindy Smith as the Clinical Lead and Co-Instructor for the Angel Empowerment Healing Program. Their joint passion is to empower individuals to achieve optimal health and believe that just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, we can manifest our own perfect health. Their joint mission is to ignite the AEH movement taking it to as many clients and practitioners as they possibly can across the globe!
What is Angel Empowerment Healing?
The ‘Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing’ program is a modality for healing developed by Dr. Carl LeRoux and Cindy Smith that incorporates the power of Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Divine Healing. The AEH method focuses first on General Healing in areas such as our major organs, immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, nervous system and the brain, cognition and emotions and thereafter will concentrate on specific illnesses.
It is designed to work upon all levels of change for a client - emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. Our healing is enhanced when our Conscious, Unconscious and Higher Conscious Minds are working together and allowing the change for each individual.
A practitioner will be the conduit of Archangel Raphael to a client for Physical Healing as he/she states Healing Language for the Client to repeat out loud as they receive Archangel Raphael’s Healing. Dr. Carl Le Roux created the language that talks directly to the physical body (unconscious mind) therefore, allowing ownership for Healing and Change and bringing the free will/ ego / conscious mind into alignment for Healing.
For more complete details and photos, click on the button below to see the What is AEH page.