*** Live Online or InPerson Training Events ***
Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH)™️ Practitioner Training


October 23-27, 2024
(9.30am - 4pm) 

AB or SK

Opportunity to join us

On-Line or In-Person



February 19-23, 2025
(9.30am - 4pm) 

On-Line or In-Person


Learn the trade and become a Certified Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH)™️ Practitioner in your own business with full support from us!

Presented by Cindy Smith and Sam Bell

Register Now

What is Angel Empowerment Healing?

Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH) is a revolutionary healing modality created by Dr. Carl Le Roux and Cindy Smith in 2015 with the first Practitioners becoming certified in 2016.  The overall premise of this process is, as the Practitioner flows Archangel Raphael’s Healing Energy to a cellular level of the physical body to receive, the practitioner also states words for the client to repeat aloud.

The focus of allowing the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, Higher Consciousness) to work together includes your free will and ego and encourages congruency within to truly receive and believe in the Powerful Healing thru Archangel Raphael and the Divine.  Dr. Carl Le Roux developed the original language to speak to the body in terminology the physical body will understand and accept on a cellular level. Cindy Smith has developed the Angel Empowerment Techniques and practice. 

Cindy and Sam believe this Healing Modality is a life changer for Practitioners and their clients and are now offering this program to teach you the techniques and concepts.

Event Details:


What is this training and what will you get from it?

Whether you choose to use your training to improve your own wellness, create a practice to enhance an existing business or create a new one, we have you covered! At the end of your 5 day training with Sam and Cindy, you will be supported to undertake x10 case studies with real, paying clients. Don't worry, Sam and Cindy will be with you every step of the way! Once you complete your case studies, you will become a Certified AEH™️ Practitioner. 


Who should attend?

There is no longer a prerequisite Angel Empowerment Practitioner™️ certification to  become an Angel Empowerment Healing™️ Practioner. Individuals from a variety of backgrounds have joined our program including nurses, massage therapists, Reiki Practitioners, teachers, business coaches, life coaches and light workers who already offer various modalities. Our community of Practitioners have found many innovative ways to integrate AEH™️ into their businesses, have created a second income stream or have created a stand-alone AEH™️ practice. We also have practitioners who undertook the training for their own healing. The possibilities are endless and ever-evolving!


 What do the 5 days cover?

  • What is the Angel Empowerment Healing Program, how to explain it to prospective clients and practice crafting your elevator pitch.
  • Overview of the AEH™️ Code of Ethics (every practitioner is bound by this code and has to submit their signed agreement. This includes advice on how to keep your client records confidential.
  • Introduction to Quantum Physics and understanding how it applies to AEH™️
  • Introduction to 'The 3 Minds' and how they work.
  • Outline of the Healing Process and practical sessions to implement the 6 steps.
  • An overview of the Major Organs (Heart, Lungs, Liver & Digestive System & Kidneys) and the body systems (Nervous, Immune, Endocrine, and the Brain (Cognitive and Emotional)
  • Introduction to basic Angel Empowerment techniques and training in: Chakra Scanning and Clearing, Shielding and Belief System Change.
  • Introduction to the language related to healing over 250 illnesses and symptoms including cancer treatment, weight management, chronic and acute pain, stress, anxiety, depression and general wellness.


What's Included?

  • Copy of the 400+  page manual (a hard copy will be mailed to you, together with a binder and section dividers)
  • Access to the AEH™️ 'Business Suite', an online course for AEH practitioners that includes lessons on how to build and promote your business. These include lessons on marketing, finance, as well as meetings with Founding members who will share their business expertise. It is also where you will discover a digital copy of the original manual together with any updates/new language created by Sam PLUS promotional materials and the TM Logo that you will have permission to use to promote your own business!
  • Automatic registration to the Angel Empowerment Healing™️ online community where you can network with other practitioners in training, already certified practitioners, the Founding Members, Sam and Cindy, PLUS prospective clients! Here, you can share your experiences, ask questions and attend live Meetups with Sam, Cindy and the Founding Members who will share their expertise and support you to grow your business.
  • Support in completing case studies.
  • Certificate of Completion (once case studies are submitted and approved)


Where will the training take place?

This is a virtual event delivered via Zoom.  After registering you will receive an email with instructions on how to attend and access to the digital manual and training materials. 



The cost to attend is $1,288 + $64.40 GST per person.  You may also elect a payment plan of 1, 2, or 3 payments (see Pricing Section below).

Registration is limited to 12 and will fill up quickly!   

Register Now

About Your  Instructors
Sam Bell
Cindy Smith


Cindy Smith AEP™️

Cindy is the Founder and Instructor of the Angel Empowerment Practitioner Certification Course™ and Co-Founder with Dr. Carl Le Roux of the Angel Empowerment™ Healing Program.
Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine Guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.
With a background in nursing and counseling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states: “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”

Sam Bell, AEP™️ RN

Sam is a British Trained Registered Nurse and Midwife, Certified Teacher and Integrative Health Coach. She also holds an array of complimentary therapy certifications, including Reiki Master, Higher Priestess Practitioner, and of course, Angel Empowerment (AEP) and Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH). Over recent years, Sam has partnered with Cindy Smith as the Clinical Lead and Co-Instructor for the Angel Empowerment Healing Program. Their joint passion is to empower individuals to achieve optimal health and believe that just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, we can manifest our own perfect health. Their joint mission is to ignite the AEH movement taking it to as many clients and practitioners as they possibly can across the globe!

More from the Founders

Cindy Smith states, “I have been working with Divine Energy as a Light-worker since 2008. It was the summer of 2014 when I was guided by Archangel Raphael to bring more focus towards Healing the Physical for others. Up until that moment my practice was more about healing emotional, spiritual and mental and empowering people to trust in themselves and their Angel Team. Many of you may find this hard to believe but at first when asked by Archangel Raphael to add the physical modality to my practice, I responded with a ‘NO”. I was in ego and very aware of many amazing healing modalities in existence for assisting people with physical healing. I was wondering why the Angels were guiding me to add another technique. My Angel Team can be very persistent and eventually they showed me a vision of Dr. Carl. At that moment in time I felt relief and new there was much more to be revealed for the future of this modality.”

Sam states, “When I first heard that my mentor Cindy Smith had founded a new modality along with Dr. Carl Le Roux, that incorporates clinical language as well as Archangel Raphael’s healing energy, I jumped at the opportunity to become one of the very first certified practitioners. That was back in 2016, and I have built up my experience and practice continuously from that moment. I am a great believer in the power of the human mind in the healing process, having witnessed many patients and clients gain control over their perception of symptoms and begin their positive healing from within. This modality works on this exact belief system together with energy healing at a cellular level.

AEP Hands on Healing incorporates all of the principles upon which I have based my holistic care practices. This innovative healing program makes complete scientific and spiritual sense, satisfying the curiosities I have witnessed in my 30 plus years as a health care provider. Having a clinical knowledge of anatomy, physiology and symptoms enables me to understand how this modality works to affect our health. Working with and understanding energy and the AEP theory helps me to understand the power we have to own our health. When a client believes they have the power to be in perfect health, nothing assists the medical profession more greatly to determine quality of life and a positive outcome.”

Register now for the next class June 6-10.
To register, choose ONE of the following payment options

The payment plan is offered as a way to ease your cash flow. When you register for a payment plan, the first payment is done immediately and the second will be due prior to the end of the training on October 1st.

All prices shown are in CAD.

All of these payment options include:
  • 5 days of online training with Cindy and Sam
  • Copy of the 400+  page manual
  • Access to the AEH™️ 'Business Suite
  • Automatic registration to the Angel Empowerment Healing™️ online community
  • Support in completing case studies.
  • Certificate of Completion

One Payment

$1,288.00 + $64.40 gst

Top features


2 x Payments: one now and the second prior to the end of the training

$710.00 + $35.50 GST


3 x Monthly Payments

Please call Cindy
